Author Guidelines
Aksaqila International Humanities and Social Sciences [AIHSS] Journal is a scientific publication journal in the field of education aimed at writers and new researchers, young lecturers and teachers. It is published every six months using a peer review system for the selection of articles in each issue of the publication. Aksaqila International Humanities and Social Sciences [AIHSS] Journal accepts original research articles relevant to the fields of education, technology, social and teaching. Articles can be submitted to the Editorial Board under the following conditions:
1. Research Articles
The format of the research article consists of
Title page.
2. Case Reports
Articles on cases in teaching, education, technology and society that need to be disseminated.
The format of the case report consists of
The case.
3. Literature Review
Articles reviewing current events
The format used consists of
General instructions
In the process of submitting articles to Aksaqila International Humanities and Social Sciences [AIHSS] Journal, the author will be informed of the stages and progress of the submitted article starting from Statement of Article Submission (submitted) when the article has been received by the Editor and the form is declared complete, and then the selection (peer review) and review process will be carried out; Statement of Feasibility and Completion (completed) when the peer review process has been completed and declared feasible, the initial article review process has been completed, and the order for payment of administrative and investment costs has been issued; Declaration of acceptance of the article (accepted) if the review process has been completed and the author has made improvements to the article that has been modified and proof of payment has been received by the Editor of the Journal of Research, Education and Teaching; Publication of the article (published) indicates that the article will be published immediately in the issue determined by the Editor of Aksaqila International Humanities and Social Sciences [AIHSS] Journal.
Writing Format
Articles must use good and correct English language.
Articles will be typed 1 space for abstract and 1.5 spaces for content on A4 paper.
Left and top margins 4cm and right and bottom margins 3cm.
Maximum number of pages is 10.
Font size Times New Roman 12.
Each page should be numbered consecutively.
Papers should be submitted in Microsoft Word (MS-Word) format.
Abstract and keywords
Abstract to be written in Indonesian language
Abstract should be written in one paragraph with a maximum of 200 words.
Abstracts are written concisely and clearly so that readers can understand new or important aspects without having to read the entire paper according to the Introduction, Methods, Results and Discussion (IMRAD) format.
Choose 3-5 keywords that can help with indexing and sort them alphabetically. The keywords should be on the same page as the abstract.
Give measurements in International System of Units (SI units).
Do not use non-standard abbreviations.
Use metric units (metres, kilograms or litres).
Do not begin a sentence with a number; if a sentence begins with a number, write it in letters.
Each reference, figure and table taken from the reference source is identified by a number in superscript, according to the Vancouver style.
Each table should be typed with 1.5 spaces.
Tables should be numbered consecutively in the order in which they appear in the text.
Give each table a short title.
Give each column a short subtitle.
Put explanations in footnotes, not in headings. Explain any non-standard abbreviations in the table in a footnote.
The maximum number of tables is 6 (1 table per 1000 words in the article).
Photographs/figures should be placed separately as an appendix.
Figures should be numbered in the order in which they appear in the text.
Each illustration should be labelled on the back with the illustration number, the author's name, and the 'top' of the illustration.
Photographs of potentially recognisable people must be accompanied by written permission.
Images that have been published must be accompanied by written permission.
The maximum number of photos/images is 6.
Statistical methods
Statistical methods should be described in detail in the methods section and supported by references. Unusual methods should be described in detail with references to the method.
Acknowledgements may be given to contributors to the research without mentioning their titles. Acknowledgements should be made to professionals who have contributed to the preparation of the journal, including technical support, financial support, and general support from an institution.
References are written in APA style.
Arranged alphabetically.
Include the names of a maximum of 6 authors, if more, write the names of the first 6 people, then et al.
The maximum number of references is 15 from publications in the last 10 years.
References are sought from journals (at least 80%) and from textbooks.
References from journals that have been sent for publication but have not been published must be written as unpublished observations with the permission of the source. Papers that have been accepted for publication in certain journals and are awaiting publication should be cited as "in press".