About the Journal

Aksaqila International Humanities and Social Sciences [AIHSS] Journal is a journal that publishes articles that contribute to the development of research fields along with the contribution to education. It is managed by Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara as an open access journal and has a double blind peer review before the article is published.

Aksaqila International Humanities and Social Sciences [AIHSS] Journal focuses on the field of education such as innovative learning media, learning methods, religious education, education in general, as well as covering the social issues that arise in society regarding social interactions, community interests and problems related to social life.

Aksaqila International Humanities and Social Sciences [AIHSS] Journal is published twice a year in February and August. Aksaqila International Humanities and Social Sciences [AIHSS] Journal is also indexed by Index Copernicus International World of Journals in 2022.

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